Mindfulness in the Boardroom
Invitation to complete a survey to help construct a validated Mindfulness questionnaire for the Boardroom
Mindfulness in the Boardroom is a topic about which there has been much commentary in recent years. Yet there is little published material on what it actually constitutes. Nor is there an agreed understanding of what impact mindfulness might have for directors, individually and collectively, in how they behave and make decisions.
This study is an initial step in investigating how mindfulness is related to the work of the board, and how individual directors can benefit from mindfulness-based approaches to debate and decision making.
You are invited to complete an online survey which asks you to rate how you address various matters in the boardroom. It also asks you to complete other shorter surveys that have been developed by researchers and used in non-boardroom environments, so that we are able to develop comparison measures. In total the surveys can be completed in approx. 20-25 minutes.
Link to Board Mindfulness Survey
Your views will be anonymous and confidential. They will be combined with those of other directors, and the key themes and data trends summarised as part of the study. Participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time, by simply closing your browser window.
If you would like to participate, please click on the link below which will take you to the landing page for the survey. And there you will find the information and consent form approved by the University of Queensland.
Once the study is complete you will be welcome to access a paper about the implications of the research. Also you may learn more about the results by contacting the principal researcher, Dr Elizabeth King (e.king@nantien.edu.au), who will be happy to discuss any aspect of the project.
Link to Board Mindfulness Survey
Please feel free to pass on this invitation to any other members of your board or other directors who you believe might be interested in pursuing this rich topic.
Thank you
Research Team:
Dr Justin Brienza, University of Queensland
Dr Elizabeth King, Nan Tien Institute, e.king@nantien.edu.au or elizabeth@drelizabethking.au
Dr Vince Murdoch, Governance for Good, vince@vincemurdoch.com